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Nottingham Research Biobank gains Ethics Approval

The Nottingham Research Biobank has now received Ethical Approval. This is the first formal step in our co-ordinated biobanking and patient informatics strategy. The Ethics approval itself has a number of unique features, and is by far the most comprehensive in the UK. It includes:

  • generic consent for biobanking embedded in all Trust surgical/diagnostic consent process
  • consent for both adults and children
  • approval for use of existing holdings

Approval for existing holdings is a key feature and means that we can access archival samples prior to 2006 for research purposes without further consent, and samples collected between 2006-2010 provided that consent covers the type of research/activity required with no specific exclusion.

It is therefore important to identify all existing tissue holdings. The NRB will not co-opt other holdings, but will work with investigators to ensure that all are offered the regulatory and ICT advantages of the NRB and that all biomaterials in Trust and University are stored and processed to the same high operating standards.

Many of you have responded to our previous questionnaire, or are already in active dialogue with the project management group. Those of you who have not contacted the NRB are urged to do so, so that we discuss your needs. Please respond to Emad Rakha (), who has led the Ethics application process. I can also be contacted on .

The NRB will develop a dedicated website. In the meantime updates will be posted here on the R&D website.

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