The type of HR agreement you need will be assessed in accordance with the principles of the Research in the NHS: HR Good Practice Resource Pack as part of the governance approval process at NUH Trust. This Resource Pack describes streamlined arrangements, including the Research Passport System, for those wishing to conduct their research in the NHS. Researchers should familiarise themselves with the process flowcharts and guidance documents available on the NIHR website.
Depending on the nature of your research, it may be necessary for you to undergo specific pre-engagement checks, such as a Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) check and/or occupational health screening. The Resource Pack sets out procedures to enable researchers to demonstrate that the pre-engagement checks undertaken have been carried out in line with NHS Employment Check Standards. It is your employer’s responsibility to ensure that checks meet the requirements of relevant safeguarding and health and safety legislation. The algorithm of research activity and pre-engagement checks provides guidance on the requirements in particular research situations. NHS host organisations should ensure that checks are commensurate with your research role, the type of research and their duty of care.
Where required, any new or additional pre-engagement checks should be arranged through your substantive employer. On occasion, however, it may be necessary for NUH Trust to repeat specific checks and/or request that additional pre-engagement checks are undertaken. It is advisable therefore to contact our HR Good Practice/Research Passport Lead (see below) early in the study set up phase to discuss the pre-engagement checks required for your research activity and ensure that these are undertaken in good time
.Please note NUH Trust can only process your request once confirmation of the necessary pre-engagement checks has been provided through either the Research Passport form for university staff or through the NHS to NHS proforma confirmation of pre-engagement checks for NHS-employed staff.
For all questions/queries in relation to the procedure for obtaining a research passport/honorary contract or general queries in relation to pre-engagement checks please contact , Research Governance Manager.
For staff employed by NUH Trust who wish to conduct their research at another NHS site and require an NHS to NHS proforma confirmation of pre-engagement checks, please contact .
Timelines for Common Pre-Engagement Checks
The CRB aims to process 90% of Standard checks in 10 days and 90% of Enhanced checks in . You also need to allow time for your employer to work with you to complete and submit your CRB application form. You will need to allow sufficient time to complete an occupational health assessment form, and depending on your research activity, this may result in you requiring additional checks and immunisations. Please note some immunisations can take up to six months to complete. Please refer to for further details.